Blogging with June 23, 2012
From Octopress to painless mobile blogging
In the last time i switched my blogging to Octopress and started to work on my posts with Markdown. It makes it really easy to write Blogposts on my iPad and i started with a lot of posts.
But one thing stops me from using Octopress while i work on my iPad: i need to trigger the publishing on my server. This could only be done by ssh and i needed to checkout my site from github to update it. All of this could be done by some scripts i've written, but at the end i needed to login to my server and start things manually.
In the last days i stumbled upon A very cool and easy thing from David Pollak, the creator of the Lift Framework i used for some projects. looks like the final solution i'm waiting for. With you host your blog on DropBox or GitHub and if if you change something it is automatically updated on your site. It supports Markdown, HTML, XML and Word. Ok, Word is the last thing i really need for blogging, but the rest is gorgeous. is a very young piece of software, but it supports all the things you need to publish your blog posts. As with the Lift Framework David Pollak did a really great piece of work and it is amazing to see that you only need a so little amount of code to write on top of Lift and Hoisted. I`m migrating my content at the moment and because is inspired by Jekyll and Octopress most of these things are very easy to migrate. The Plugins from Octopress are missing, but you can simply insert the HTML Code you need to fix this. In the time i only need to style the Blog a little bit more and fix some of the missing plugin artefacts.