Mozzy Backup is eating my CPU April 22, 2012
Today Mozzy Backup is starting to eat two CPUs. Just to be idle. 225% CPU Usage just to be there is a little bit too much.
Analyzing the process shows a little Problem with the Number of processes.
Dispatch Thread Soft Limit: 64 reached in 350 of 350 samples -- too many dispatch threads blocked in synchronous operations
Dispatch Thread Hard Limit: 512 reached in 350 of 350 samples -- too many dispatch threads blocked in synchronous operations
Physkila Memory is up to 2.17GB and Virtual RAM to 6.20GB. This looks like a little bit too much for a small Backup Client.
Die, and please restart :)
Looks like killing mozzy is not that easy. It's the background process that is eating the CPU. The Status Process Reports that is not running after i killed it. Ok, thanks. But it's starting again and eating now only 100% CPU up. Killing the status do not help either. I tried to backup my files. Mozzy is backup up the files and it looks like it successfu sends all files to the server. Then it reports that the same size needs to be backuped.
After some minutes it looks like Mozzy is running normally again. No needed backup is reported.